Configure a Recast Proxy for Warranty Information Collection

Setting up a Recast Proxy for warranty information collection in Endpoint Insights involves authorizing the proxy in the Recast Management Server (if necessary) and creating a Recast Proxy route. Routes determine which Recast Proxy runs a Recast action.

A Recast Proxy route sends an action to a service account if:

  • The route is assigned a role that has permissions to run the action
  • The targets of that action fall within the route’s assigned scope

For more information, see Route Types.


  • Recast Proxy installed that can read from Active Directory or Configuration Manager
  • Recast Proxy service account has the following permissions:
    • Local admin on the server where it is being installed
    • Read-only analyst in the Configuration Manager console
    • db_datareader in Configuration Manager database
    • Read permissions in Active Directory
    • If your Recast Management Server is installed on a server other than your Configuration Manager SQL database, the proxy account will need to be added to the SMS_SiteSystemToSiteServerConnection_MP_<YourSiteCode> local group on that server. This will allow it to read/write to your inboxes\auth\, which is required to gather warranty data.

To create a Recast Proxy route:

1. In your Recast Management Server, navigate to Administration > Routes.

2. In the main window, click Create.

3. Set the route Type to Recast Proxy.

4. As Recast Proxy, select your service account.

5. Set Role to Administrators.

6. Click Create.

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