Right Click Tools
Reveal vulnerabilities, ensure compliance and security, and remediate issues in your environment. The Right Click Tools console extension can be installed as a plugin for your Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) console or as a browser extension for the Microsoft Intune Admin Center.
- Enterprise Edition: Full-feature version powered by Recast Management Server (RMS)
- Enterprise Edition in Standalone mode: Some functionality limited by the absence of Recast Management Server
- Community Edition: Free version with a limited feature set
For details, see Right Click Tools Features by Edition
Required Recast Components for Enterprise Edition: Recast Management Server, Recast Proxy, Recast Agent
To learn more, see Tools, Dashboards, Kiosk Management, and Recast Automation.
Endpoint Insights
See endpoint data that's otherwise difficult to access or retrieve at scale. Pair Endpoint Insights with Right Click Tools to quickly remediate issues. Available in your Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) console, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and Power BI Report Server (PBRS).
Required Recast Components: Recast Management Server (to collect warranty information), Recast Proxy, Recast Agent
To learn more, see Endpoint Insights.
Privilege Manager
Give different personas (end users, service desk users, sysadmins) an elevated level of permissions on individual devices only when needed. Privilege Manager is integrated into your Recast Management Server.
Required Recast Components: Recast Management Server, Recast Proxy (to use AD or Entra ID objects to target rules), Recast Agent
To learn more, see Privilege Manager.
Application Manager
Define deployment processes that fully automate the update process for required third-party applications using your Microsoft deployment environment (ConfigMgr or Intune). Application Manager is integrated into your Recast Management Server.
Required Recast Components: Recast Management Server, Recast Proxy
To learn more, see Application Manager.
Application Workspace
See the Application Workspace Docs.
Recast Portal
Cloud-hosted application where Enterprise customers and Community users can download all Recast Software products, components, and licenses.
Located at https://portal.recastsoftware.com.
Recast Management Server (RMS)
The central hub for Recast Software products. Installed on a customer’s server, Recast Management Server uses an on-premises SQL database to house settings, configurations, and logs. RMS relies on connections to Microsoft services such as Configuration Manager (MECM), Active Directory (AD), and Entra ID (formerly Azure AD).
This Recast component is used with Right Click Tools, Endpoint Insights, Privilege Manager, and Application Manager.
To learn more, see About Recast Management Server.
Console Extension
Installed as a plugin to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM), the Console Extension integrates dashboards, reports, and context-specific tools into your Configuration Manager environment.
This Recast component is used with Right Click Tools and to display sample Endpoint Insights reports in Configuration Manager.
Browser Extension
Beginning with Recast Software Version 5.8.2501, the Right Click Tools for Intune can be accessed using a browser extension.
This Recast component is used with the Enterprise and Community editions of Right Click Tools to provide access to Recast actions within the Microsoft Intune Admin Center.
To learn more, see our browser extension installation guides for Right Click Tools Enterprise and Community.
Recast Proxy
Installed on a customer’s server, Recast Proxy is a Windows service that is installed as part of Recast Management Server. It allows RMS to initiate actions that require a service account, making it a key component for scheduled tasks, scopes, and service connections.
This Recast component is used with Right Click Tools, Endpoint Insights, Privilege Manager, and Application Manager.
To learn more, see Recast Proxy.
Recast Agent
A Windows service that runs as the local system. Agents are designed to be installed on every device in a customer’s organization.
This Recast component is used with Right Click Tools, Endpoint Insights, and Privilege Manager.
To learn more, see Recast Agents.
Recast Agent Gateway
An on-premises component that connects Recast Management Server to Recast Agents. Internet-connected devices with Recast Agent that are not on the customer’s local network can connect to Agent Gateway. An Agent Gateway is automatically deployed and authorized when you install Recast Management Server.
This Recast component is used with Right Click Tools, Endpoint Insights, and Privilege Manager.
To learn more, see Agent Gateways.
Warranty API
Cloud-hosted application that provides warranty information for devices.
Located at https://warranty.recastsoftware.com.
This Recast component is used with Endpoint Insights.