
The Routes page lists all routes based on priority. On this page you can create new routes, and edit or reorder existing ones to manage how actions are run, and with which credentials.

Route Types

Console Extension route (aka ConfigMgr Console User Proxy route) sends actions from the originator's Configuration Manager console out to the target device.

Service Connection route sends actions to the proxy associated with a service connection. This type of route allows web dashboards to work in Recast Management Server without setting up custom routes.

Recast Agent route sends actions to the connected agent installed on the computer where the action is going to be run. See Configure Actions to Run with a Recast Agent.

Recast Proxy route (aka Service Account route) uses the Recast Proxy's service account credentials to run the action. For this type of route, you'll need to ensure that the target devices fall within the route’s scope and that the route is assigned a role with permissions to run the actions.

A Recast Proxy route can be used where there's a need to differentiate service account permissions within Active Directory or Configuration Manager. For example, if you have separate service accounts for workstations and servers, you'll need to set up more than one proxy and use the Recast Proxy route to select the service account to use.
See Run Actions as a Service Account with Recast Proxy.

ConfigMgr Fast Channel route sends actions to computers that have a Recast Agent and are communicating over the Fast Channel. For this type of route, you'll need to ensure that the target devices fall within the route’s scope and that the route is assigned a role with permissions to run the actions.
For more information, see Fast Channel.

View Routes

The order of routes on the Recast Management Server Routes page reflects their priority. An action will run using the first route that offers a successful match, meaning that the route is available and that the user has the necessary permissions to run the action using that route. 

For Right Click Tools, the route choice will always stop at the Console Extension route regardless of where it is located in the list. Any routes listed below the Console Extension route will only be used for administrative actions, such as those related to web dashboards and trends or warranty information collection.

For more information, see Reorder Routes.

Create a Route

To create a route:

1. On the Routes page, click Create.

2. In the Create Route window, set the route Type to Recast Proxy, Recast Agent, Console Extension, ConfigMgr Fast Channel, or Service Connection. For details, see Route Types.

3. If the route type requires a Recast Proxy, select your service account.

4. Assign a Role, such as Administrators.

5. Add a route scope by enabling the Limit to devices option and selecting the device set to include. (optional, except for Fast Channel routes

6. Click Submit.

Edit a Route

To edit route details:

1. On the Routes page, click the Edit icon to the right of a route.

2. In the Edit Route window, change the route type, proxy, role and/or scope and click Save.

Reorder Routes

Newly created routes appear at the bottom of the Routes table. To make actions run using a route that is lower in the list, such as a Recast Proxy route, you must move that route above the Console Extension route in the table. 

To reorder routes, drag and drop them into the desired order. Changes are saved automatically.

NOTE: Route ID values do not reflect the order of priority for routes.

Remove a Route

To remove a route:

1. Click the Delete icon to the right of the route.

2. In the Delete Route window, click Delete.

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