The Recast Agent Gateways page in RMS displays details related to your Agent Gateways. By default, the one Agent Gateway added automatically during Recast Management Server installation is listed.
Details and actions available:
- Computer Name
- Connected: Shows whether the Agent Gateway is connected to your Recast Management Server.
NOTE: Recast Agents must enroll with the Recast Management Server before they can communicate with an Agent Gateway and be used to run actions. See Deploy Recast Agents.
- Version: Agent Gateway software version
- Authorized: To manually authorize an Agent Gateway, click the Edit icon to the right of the Agent to authorize. In the Edit Recast Agent window, enable the Authorized checkbox and click Save.
- Actions
- Edit Agent Gateway details or authorize an Agent Gateway.
- Delete an Agent Gateway by clicking the Delete icon to the right of an Agent Gateway and confirming the deletion.
NOTE: You can view the Agent Gateway to which a specific Agent is connected on the Agents page.