Component Prerequisites
You must have the most recent version of the following configured and functional:
- Configuration Manager
- Virtual Machine Scale Set Cloud Management Gateway
- Recast Management Server with Recast Proxy - used to manage Fast Channel support, proxy allows the Recast Management Server to read from Active Directory and Configuration Manager to populate scopes
- Proxy permissions for Fast Channel support - The account used for Recast Proxy must have the ability to read devices with the Add/Remove programs table, and permissions to run scripts.
- Right Click Tools - Contains the Fast Channel script to be added to the Configuration Manager console
- Recast Agent - Must be installed on devices
Configuration Prerequisites
Ensure that the following items are configured before attempting to run actions using the Fast Channel:
- Import the Fast Channel script into Configuration Manager and approve it as-is, without modification.
- Ensure that the Recast Action to be run is included in the plugins listed in the Fast Channel script.
- Ensure that the Fast Channel route is high enough in the Routes list in RMS to be used. See Create a Fast Channel Route.
- Limit the Fast Channel route to a specific scope. Using the default 'All Scopes' setting will not work.
- Check that the target device is within the Fast Channel route scope.
- Make sure that the Recast Management Server is aware that the target device is within the Fast Channel route scope. This may involve repopulating the scope if the device was recently added to that scope's limiting collections.
- Verify that Configuration Manager is aware that Recast Agent is installed on the devices.