Group Rules

Add a Group Rule

To add a group rule:

1. On the Group Rules page, click Add Group.

2. In the side panel that opens, select the Target Group.

3. Select the Local Group, or add one, in the drop-down menu. 

4. Select the Member (Administrator, Temporary Administrator, Local Administrator), or add a local user, in the drop-down menu.

5. Enable Set validity end time, if desired. Enter or select the expiry time.

6. Confirm that the Rule is active.

7. Click Save.

Edit a Group Rule

To edit a group rule:

1. On the Group Rules page, click the Edit icon to the left of a group rule.

2. In the side panel that opens, edit the Local Group, the Member (Administrator, Temporary Administrator, Local Administrator), the Validity End Time and whether the rule is active.

3. Click Save.

Delete a Group Rule

To delete a group rule:

On the Group Rules page, click the Delete icon to the left of a group rule and confirm the deletion.

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