Enable/Disable Right Click Tools Update Notifications

By default, your Right Click tools will display a notification whenever a new software version is released. You can view or change your notification settings in either the Recast Management Server interface or the Configure Recast Console Extension application.

To change your notification settings in Recast Management Server:

1. Open your Recast Management Server and navigate to Administration > Settings.

2. Set DisplayUpdatePromptsToUsers to 'true' or 'false' depending on whether you want to be notified when Recast Software releases a software update that includes new features and bug fixes.

3. Set DisplayBugfixUpdatePromptsToUsers to 'true' or 'false' depending on whether you want to be notified when Recast Software releases a software update that includes only bug fixes.

To change your notification settings in Configure Recast Console Extension:

1. Access the Configure Recast Console Extension from your Configuration Manager console by navigating to the Recast Software node.

2. In the 'How Can We Help?' section, click Configure Recast .

3. On the General tab. enable or disable Automatically Check For Updates.

4. Click Save to apply your changes.

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