The User Devices tool displays devices that a user has logged into, as well as their primary device.
To view user devices:
1. In your Configuration Manager console navigation panel, click Users.
2. Search for the user.
3. Right-click on the user.
4. Click Right Click Tools > User Devices.
The User Devices table displays:
- User Name
- Computer Name
- Primary Device (T/F)
- Date Last Used
- Number of Logins
- Total Time Logged On
Additional Right Click Tools Actions
By right-clicking on data in the User Devices table, you can access other Right Click Tools actions.
Video Walkthrough
Recast Permissions
ConfigMgrServer plugin | GetUserDevices |
Microsoft Permissions
This action requires the User Devices permissions on the Active Directory object. If using a service account, the service account needs the User Devices permissions on the AD object.