Custom Reports

Custom reports are shown on the Privilege Manager Portal reporting page. Custom reports can be configured in the Reports\CustomReports.xml file located on the Privilege Manager Portal website.

XML file contains Reports element where you can specify Node and Report elements:

Node elements

Node elements are used to create folders in a custom report tree view in the Privilege Manager portal. The node is shown as a folder on the tree view and each node can contain sub nodes and reports. 

Node element settings:

  • Name: Name of the folder on the tree view control (required)
  • Description: Description of the report shown as a tooltip when the mouse pointer is placed over the folder in the tree view (optional)
  • Visible: Setting this value to 'false' hides the folder from all users in the tree view. Also all sub items are hidden. This value can be 'true' (default if nothing specified) or 'false' (optional)
  • AllowedTo: Specify Windows groups or users who can see the folder in tree view. If the value is not specified all users can see the folder. You can specify several groups and users using comma as separator. Use pre-Windows 2000 names for users and groups. User or group names cannot contain commas. (optional)

Report elements

Report elements are used to show reports on the custom report tree view in the Privilege Manager portal. You can specify report elements to Reports root element or inside any node element. You can specify following settings to report elements:

  • ReportType: Type of SQL command to run. Value can be 'Text' (default is nothing specified) or 'StoredProcedure' (optional)
  • ReportCommand: SQL command to be executed. Value can be SELECT clause when report type is 'Text' otherwise name of the stored procedure to be executed (required)
  • Visible: Setting value to 'false' hides the report from all users in tree view. Value can be 'true' (default if nothing specified) or 'false' (optional)
  • AllowedTo: Specify Windows groups or users who can see the report in tree view. If the value is not specified, all users can see the report. You can specify several groups and users using commas as separators. Use pre-Windows 2000 names for users and groups. User or group names cannot contain commas. (optional)
  • Text inside the item element: Name of the report on tree view control (required)

Example CustomReports.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
   <Node Name="Activation codes" Description="" Visible="true" AllowedTo="">        
       <Report ReportType="Text" ReportCommand="SELECT * FROM [viewPortalReport_ActivationCodes]"AllowedTo="" Visible="true">All created activation codes</Report>      
       <Report Description="Recent means activation codes created during last 3 months"ReportType="Text" ReportCommand="SELECT * FROM [viewPortalReport_RecentActivationCodes]" AllowedTo=""Visible="true">Recent activation codes</Report>    
   <Node Name="Computer group rules" Description="" Visible="true" AllowedTo=""> 
       <Report Description="All group rules created to single computers which are active.Computers that have not contacted Carillon system within 3 months are excluded from the report"ReportType="Text" ReportCommand="SELECT * FROM [viewPortalReport_ActiveComputerGroupRules]"AllowedTo="" Visible="true">Active computer rules</Report> 
       <Report Description="Shows individual computers from 'Active computer rules' andamount of rules created for specific computer" ReportType="Text" ReportCommand="SELECT * FROM[viewPortalReport_ActiveComputerGroupRulesMemberCount]" AllowedTo="" Visible="true">Computers withcomputer specific rules</Report>    
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