Configure Recast Management Server with a Web Proxy

The Recast Management Server requires access to specific external domains depending on which Recast Software products are in useIf you are using a web proxy on the Recast Management Server, or on the server running Recast Proxy, you will need to direct network traffic to those external domains through the web proxy, as the web proxy will not automatically detect settings on the server where the RMS or Recast Proxy is installed. 

You can direct network traffic through the web proxy by changing the environment variables in your Recast Management Server web.config file.

To change environment variables for a web proxy:

1. Open the web.config file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Recast Software\Recast Management Server\web.config.

TIP: We recommend making a copy of the existing web.config file before editing.

2. In the aspNetCore module, edit the Environment Variables information and add opening and closing tags.

  <environmentVariable name="all_proxy" value="http://proxyserver:port" /> 
  <environmentVariable name="no_proxy" value="," /> 

    For details about the environment variables used for default proxy initialization, see HttpClient.DefaultProxy Property.

3. Recycle the Recast Management Server application pool and restart the site in IIS. 

After editing the environment variables in the web.config file, follow these steps to verify the web proxy settings are correct for the account running the Recast Proxy service. 

4. Log into the server as the Recast Proxy service account, open Internet Options and verify the proxy information is correct there.

5. If you are defining the web proxy manually, navigate to Internet Properties > Connections > LAN settings and check that Automatically detect settings and Use automatic configuration script are deselected. If both those options and Use a proxy server for your LAN are configured, they will conflict. 

NOTE: If the Application Manager catalog fails to load and returns an error: 'The proxy tunnel request failed with status code 407', add a rule to allow NoAuth access from the Recast Management Server to the external domains required for Application Manager

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