EI Support Tool

The EI Support Tool is a PowerShell script that collects all client side logs associated with Endpoint Insights into one .zip file. It should be run on any device that has a Recast Agent with Endpoint Insights installed. The tool makes it easy to provide our Support team with all the information they require for troubleshooting EI issues.

NOTE: This tool is not intended for Recast Management Server or Configuration Manager settings. For those, see our RMS Support Tool.

To run the EI Support Tool:

1. Download the EI Support Tool PowerShell script: EISupportTool.zip

2. Open PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the folder where you've located the script.
    Example: Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\<YourUserAccount>\<FolderWhereScriptIsLocated>"

3. Run the following command: "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File '.\ei-support-tool.ps1'"

Send the resulting EILogs.zip file to the Support Engineer who requested the logs. You can also send the file to Recast Support, if you're in the process of opening a ticket.

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