Client Actions

These actions can be run on single and multi-selected devices. 

To run an action on a device collection, see Client Actions on Collection.

Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle
Re-evaluates the requirement rules for all deployments. For applications that are required but not installed, prompts ConfigMgr to trigger a re-install.

Discovery Data Collection Cycle
Prompts the client to generate a new discovery data record (DDR). When the DDR is processed by the site server, Discovery Data Manager adds or updates resource information from the DDR in the site database.

File Collection Cycle
When a file is specified for collection, the Configuration Manager software inventory agent searches for that file when it runs a software inventory scan on each client in the site. If the software inventory client agent finds a file that should be collected, the file is attached to the inventory file and sent to the site server.

Hardware Inventory Cycle
Collects data such as available disk space, processor type, and operating system for each device.

Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle
Initiates policy retrieval from the client outside its scheduled polling interval.

Send Unsent State Messages
Sends state messages cached on the ConfigMgr client to the ConfigMgr server.

Software Inventory Cycle
Collects software inventory data directly by inventorying file header information.

Software Metering Usage Report Cycle
Collects data for monitoring client software usage.

Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle
Initiates a scan for software updates compliance.

Software Updates Scan Cycle
Initiates a scan just after a software update installation to confirm that the update is no longer required and creates a new state message that the update has been installed.

State Message Cache Cleanup
Clears state messages that are cached on the ConfigMgr Client.

Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle
Prompts the Product Source Update Manager to complete a full update cycle.

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