Install Right Click Tools Enterprise with RMS

By implementing Right Click Tools Enterprise with Recast Management Server, you'll have access to the product's full functionality. You can also choose to add Recast Management Server to an existing installation of Right Click Tools Enterprise Standalone later.

To install Right Click Tools along with Application Manager and Endpoint Insights, see our Multi-Product Implementation Guide.

Before you begin the installation steps, ensure that all Right Click Tools system requirements are in place.

Recommended Installation Workflow for Right Click Tools with RMS

1. Download the following Recast application and components from the Recast Portal

  • Right Click Tools
  • Recast Management Server
  • Recast Agent

2. Install Recast Management Server with Recast Proxy

NOTE: The Recast Proxy must be deployed separately, after Recast Management Server installation, if the proxy is being installed on a server other than the Recast Management Server. See Install Recast Proxy Separately.

3. Install Right Click Tools with Recast Management Server.

4. Install Recast Agents. 

Once you've installed the required Recast components, you're ready to configure Right Click Tools.

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