The Connect to C$ tool opens the client's C drive in a local Windows Explorer window.
This tool uses the hidden admin share (C$). This hidden admin share must remain enabled.
To run the tool:
1. In your Configuration Manager console, right-click on a device.
2. Click Right Click Tools > Console Tools > Connect to C$.
Port Requirements
TCP445 must allow network traffic from the device running the Configuration Manager console to the device being connected to.
Recast Permissions
LocalActions plugin | OpenC$Share permission |
Microsoft Permissions
This action runs using the credentials of the user signed into the Configuration Manager. That user requires permission to browse the C$ Share on the remote device, which typically means that the user requires administrator permissions on the remote device. Permissions cannot be elevated with Recast Agent or Recast Proxy.
NOTE: This is the case even if using Recast Management Server with a service account because this action launches an application outside of Recast. If the user does not have permission, a prompt will open asking for a username and password to try to successfully connect to the remote device.
To work around the limitations associated with these permissions, you can set up an alternative Explorer Shell.
Alternative Explorer Shell Setup
Specifying an alternative Windows Explorer shell will cause this tool to launch that application instead of Windows Explorer when trying to connect to the remote filesystem. When using the alternative shell, Recast will not prompt for credentials if it detects the user does not have permission — it will let the alternative shell handle this scenario.
You can specify an alternative Windows Explorer shell in the Configure Recast Console Extension application.
To open the Configure Recast Console Extension application, open the Windows Start menu and select Configure Recast Console Extension.
TIP: You can also access the Configure Recast Console Extension application from your Configuration Manager console by navigating to Assets and Compliance > Recast Software and clicking Configure Recast in the 'How Can We Help?' section.
To specify an alternate Explorer shell:
1. On the Windows Explorer tab, enter the Local Path or click Browse to navigate to the application.
2. Save your changes.