Migrating to Application Manager with RMS

If you have an existing implementation of Application Manager Legacy, you may be unsure about when to migrate to Application Manager with Recast Management Server. To highlight some of the considerations involved in that decision, the following chart shows the benefits and current limitations of Application Manager with RMS and Application Manager Legacy.

Whenever you're ready to discuss your migration plans, or for more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager. 

NOTE: Application Manager Enterprise licenses will only work in Recast Management Server when running Recast Software Version 5.4.2403.901 or later.

Application Manager with RMS vs Application Manager Legacy

Application Manager with RMS Application Manager Legacy
Installation and Configuration
  • AM installer wrapped into RMS
  • All configuration contained within RMS Portal
  • Standalone installer
  • Configuration split between AM Portal and Integration Client
User Interface / User Experience
  • User friendly and intuitive
  • Two different places for configuration increases potential for confusion
Application Catalog
  • Enterprise: 2000+ applications
  • Standard: 300-400 applications
  • 300-400 applications
  • MECM integration only
  • Intune integration coming soon
  • Custom install parameters
  • Application reimport
  • MECM, Intune, WSUS integration
  • Notifications
  • Logging

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