A route limiting rule (previously known as a route scope) allows actions to be run over a specified route only if the target devices are within the defined limits. This scope type is especially helpful where the environment includes multiple domains with varying trust levels.
You can limit a Recast Proxy Route to devices in one or more of the following:
- Active Directory - domain, OU, group
- Configuration Manager - site, device collection
Add or Edit a Route Limiting Rule
To add or edit a limiting rule applied to an existing route:
1. On the Routes page, click the Edit icon to the right of the route.
2. In the window that opens, enable the Limit to devices option.
3. Select a Configuration Manager or Active Directory Service Connection.
4. Select the devices to include.
NOTE: You must apply the limiting rule separately for each service connection.
5. Click Submit.
Route Limiting Rule Notes
Fast Channel Route
- You must configure a limiting rule for a Fast Channel route.
- You can only apply a limiting rule to a ConfigMgr service connection.
- You cannot apply multiple limiting rules concurrently.
- You can only run actions on devices that are Fast Channel-capable, meaning that Recast Agents are deployed to the devices.
Proxy Route
- Limiting rules set up for the proxy account user apply.
- If a device is included in multiple proxy route limiting rules, the device's limiting rules will be an aggregate of all the applied limiting rules.
Remove a Route Limiting Rule
To remove a route limiting rule:
1. On the Routes page, click the Edit icon to the right of the route.
2. In the Edit Route window, disable the Limit to devices option.
3. Click Submit.