RMS Support Tool

The RMS Support Tool is a PowerShell script that collects all Recast Management Server logs and various settings into one .zip file. This tool automatically uploads the file to the Recast Support team, making it easier to provide our Support team with all the information they require for troubleshooting.

To run the RMS Support Tool:

1. Download the RMS Support Tool PowerShell script: RMSSupportTool

2. Open PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the folder where you've located the script.
Example: Set-Location -Path "C:\Users\<YourUserAccount>\<FolderWhereScriptIsLocated>"

3. Run the following command: "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File '.\rms-support-tool.ps1'"

Send the file to the Support Team member requesting the logs. You can also send the file to Recast Support, if you're in the process of opening a ticket.

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