Configure Permissions for the ConfigMgr SQL Database


ConfigMgr SQL Database permission errors are most often identified when a user enters the ConfigMgr database information in the Configure Recast Console Extension application or in the Recast Management Server settings. This type of error may also show up as Software Updates Deployment Status (SUDS) or other dashboard results being listed as 'Unknown'.

Probable Cause

The Right Click Tools Enterprise Dashboards are able to use the ConfigMgr database to retrieve their needed information. However, if the user (or the service account, if using a Recast Proxy) running the Configuration Manager console does not have permission to log into SQL or read from the SQL database, the data will be considered 'Unknown'.


To resolve the issue, ensure that the user (or service account, if using a Recast Proxy) running the console has at least read-only permissions to the ConfigMgr database.

Add a user account via SQL Server Management Studio

If the user account does not exist in SQL, it must be added in two places, as a Login Account, and as a Database User account.

To add the User Account as a Login Account:

1. Open SSMS and expand the folder of the instance in which you want to create the new login.

2. Expand the Security folder, right-click on Logins, and select New Login.

Security > Logins > New Login
3. In the Login - New dialog box, click on the General page.

4. As the Login name, enter the name of the account in the following format: domain\username.

SSMS Login - New General page
5. On the User Mapping page, select the ConfigMgr Database in the top right box. 

6. In the bottom right box, select at least db_datareader as a permission.

SSMS Login - User Mapping page

To add the User Account as a Database User:

1. Open SSMS  and navigate to ConfigMgr Databases > Security > Users.

2. Right-click on the Users folder and select New User.

3. Switch the user type to 'Windows' and add the user name and the login name in the following format: domain\username.

NOTE: User Name and Login are the same.

4. On the Membership tab, select the db_datareader box and assign the account db_datareader permissions for the ConfigMgr databases by clicking OK.

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