Active Directory Computers

A directoryComputer entity represents the metadata and contents of a given Active Directory computer. They enable administrators to return selected properties of Active Directory computer objects.


GuidguidObject guid of the AD computer object.
NativeGuidstringNative guid of the AD computer object.
PathstringDirectory path of the AD computer object.
AttributesdictionaryKey/value pairs of the AD attributes returned of the AD computer object.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

    "Guid": "91eba3a1-a803-4a22-b57f-94af33d1eda9",
    "NativeGuid": "a1a3eb9103a8224ab57f94af33d1eda9",
    "Path": "LDAP://CN=COMPUTER1,OU=Workstations,DC=domain,DC=ad",
    "Attributes": {
        "description": "John Doe laptop",
        "name": "COMPUTER1"
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