Client Tools

These tools can be run on single and multi-selected devices. 

To run a tool on a device collection, see Client Tools on Collection.

Remote Software Center
View and install deployed applications, programs, and available software updates, and view and run deployed task sequences.

Client Information
Displays general information and available actions for the ConfigMgr client, as well as data on components, caches, applications, execution history, and boundaries.

Add Device(s) to Collection
Adds single or multi-selected devices to a device collection.

Change Cache Size
Displays the current cache size and lets you enter a new one.

Clear Cache
Clears the client cache on a remote device.

Install Missing Software Updates
Displays required or available software updates not currently installed on a device, allowing a user to install deployed updates.

Open Client Installation Log File Folder
Opens the file location of the client install log on a remote device.

Open Client Log File Folder
Opens the file location of the client log on a remote device.

Refresh Updates Compliance State
Refreshes the update compliance state of a device in ConfigMgr.

Repair Client
Kicks off the RepairClient functionality in the SMS_Client WMI class.

Rerun Deployment
Reruns a package or task sequence deployment.

Restart SMS Agent Host Service
Restarts the ConfigMgr client on a device.

Run Client Check
Kicks off ConfigMgr Client health checks.

Show Collections - Advanced
Displays information about the collections to which a device belongs.

Stop ConfigMgr Client Activities
Immediately stops the SMS Agent Host and kills any pending scnotification.exe processes.

Uninstall SCCM Client
Removes the ConfigMgr Client on a remote device.

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