Migrate from Enhansoft

The main difference between Enhansoft and Endpoint Insights is how the data is collected. The data is now processed via WMI provider only (instead of the 2 executables plus WMI provider) and collected by hardware inventory scan. Instead of packages, there is only one client installer that gets pushed out as a pre-built application that you only need to deploy. The look and feel are functionally the same, though the categorization may be a little different.

  • If you had ER (Enhansoft Reporting) plus WIR (Warranty Info Reporting), it is similar and now also includes information on docking stations, ODBC, etc.
  • If you only had ER, you will now get warranty information along with a few new items.
  • If you only had WIR, you will now get warranty information plus all of the details with ER.

Additionally, Endpoint Insights integrates seamlessly with Right Click Tools (Enterprise or Community) and you get an Endpoint Insights dashboard in Right Click Tools in Configuration Manager.

NOTE: With the upgrade to Endpoint Insights, you will also need to download and install the Recast Management Server along with the Proxy for collecting the warranty information. Those will be available in your Recast Portal. 

Q: Should we uninstall the Enhansoft Service (Enhansoft Systray)?
A: Yes. It is no longer used.

Q: Should we stop the Install deployments of Enhansoft Reporting -ER, Enhansoft Reporting -MIR and Warranty Information Reporting?

A: Yes, once you have happily transitioned over to Endpoint Insights.

Q: Should we deploy the Uninstall deployment of Enhansoft Reporting -ER and Enhansoft Reporting -MIR? Is there an Uninstall for Warranty Information Reporting?

A: MIR, yes you can uninstall MIR or leave it. It will not cause issues if you leave it. We recommend ensuring CM is no longer collecting the data for ER and WIR and to leave the classes as they will never get updated again.

Q: Can both the EAM components and Endpoint Insights co-exist and if so what does this look like?

A: Yes, they can co-exist. From a Resource Explorer standpoint, you will see the "same" data within the existing Classes (mostly ES_) and new EI_<class name>. From an SSRS standpoint; you will see the existing ER/MIR/WIR ones and you will see the Endpoint Insights folder.

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