Application Manager Not Starting

Problem: Application Manager won't start

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Error message: Could not read MECM collections from C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Application Manager\SCCM\SCCM Information.xml!
    1. If your Application Manager for MECM integration was enabled
      1. Delete the following file: C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\ThreshDir\schedule.CollectSCCMInformation.xml
      2. Wait one minute and SCCM Information.xml will be re-created.
      3. Start Application Manager for MECM.
    2. If your Application Manager integration was disabled (usually during first time configuration)
      1. Delete the following file: C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\ThreshDir\schedule.CollectSCCMInformation.xml
      2. Edit C:\ProgramData\Centero\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\SCCM-Import.xml by going to <schedule name="CollectSCCMInformation" disabled="true" intervalMinutes="1440"> and changing disabled to "false".
      3. Restart the RecastSoftwareAgent service.
        Wait one minute and SCCM Information.xml will be re-created.
      4. Start Application Manager for MECM.
  • Error message: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Recast Software folder
    2. Right click Application Manager Integration Client.lnk and select Properties
    3. Go to Compatibility tab and enable Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings
    4. Save changes
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