New Articles

  1. Recast Software Version 5.9.2503.1805

    Release notes for Recast Software Version 5.9.2503, released March 19, 2025.
  2. Configure Recast Management Server with a Web Proxy

    The Recast Management Server requires access to specific external domains  depending on  which Recast Software products are in use .  If you are using a web proxy on the Recast Management Server,  or on  the server run...
  3. RMS Database Migrations Not Applied

    Recast Management Server database migrations may fail if the SQL compatibility level is set a version earlier than SQL Server 2016.  To check or edit the compatibility Level for your RecastManagementServer database: 1. Navigate to the SQL Server...
  4. Recast Management Server Installation

    Covers the installation of Recast Management Server with and without a Recast Proxy. Also includes steps to install a Recast Proxy separately.
  5. Endpoint Insights Standalone

  6. Warranty Report Details

    This SQL view within the ConfigMgr database stores warranty details for each device within ConfigMgr. The data is populated via  Data  D iscovery Records (DDRs) via Recast Management Server tasks.    NOTE : ConfigMgr will  delete ...
  7. View or Edit User Role Permissions

    To view or edit the permissions associated with a Recast role: 1. Under Recast Roles , click Permissions to the right of the role. 2. In the Role Permissions window that opens, expand categories to view or edit individual permissions. Se...
  8. Content Distribution Monitor Dashboard Role Permissions

    You can assign users a RCT Content Distribution Monitor Dashboard  role on the RMS Permissions page. Click the Permissions  button to the right of the role to view or change individual permissions granted by the role. Content Distribution Mo...
  9. Remote Software Center Role Permissions

    You can assign users a RCT Remote Software Center role on the RMS Permissions page. Click the Permissions  button to the right of the role to view or change individual permissions granted by the role. Remote Software Center Role Permission L...
  10. v5.9 Releases