Remote Software Center Permissions

Recast Permissions

Active Directory
Get Account Group Membership
AdministrationGet All Settings
ConfigMgr Client
Deployed Applications
Get Configuration Baselines
Get Deployed Programs
Get Deployed Task Sequences
Get User Policy Endpoint
Install Application
Install Application or Program
Install Program
Install Software Updates
Install Software Updates By ID
Install User Application
Missing Software Updates
Package Information
Task Sequence Information
Uninstall Application
ConfigMgr Server
Get Comanaged Workloads
Get Deployed Applications For User
Get Applications Deployed To Users
Installed Software
List Software
Uninstall Software
NetworkPing Computer
System InformationGet Logged In Users
Invoke Method
Read Only

NOTE: To make changes on the populated tabs (for example, to install applications), you may require additional permissions.

Microsoft Permissions

  • Requires that the user be a local administrator on the remote device(s). This can be done using a Recast Proxy, a Recast Agent or by granting the required user permissions.
  • Requires a Recast Agent for workgroup computers, or to run actions over the Cloud Management Gateway.
  • Requires remote WMI to populate its contents and run actions.
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