Popular Articles

  1. Install Right Click Tools Community Edition

    Download Right Click Tools Community today at https://www.recastsoftware.com/free-tool-download.
  2. RPC Server Is Unavailable

    The 'RPC Server is unavailable' error means that Right Click Tools is having trouble connecting to Remote WMI to run the selected action.
  3. Upgrade Right Click Tools Version

    Instructions for upgrading Right Click Tools to Recast Software Version 5.x releases.
  4. Right Click Tools Missing After Install

    If Right Click Tools isn't appearing in the Configuration Manager console post installation, legacy console extensions may need to be configured to display their extensions.
  5. About Recast Management Server

    The Recast Management Server (RMS) is the primary component in Recast's on-premises infrastructure, and the hub for our entire product suite.
  6. Manually Configure SQL Server Permissions

    If the account running the Recast Management Server installer does not have access to create a SQL database, you can pre-create the Recast Management Server database and assign permissions manually.
  7. Install Right Click Tools with RMS

  8. Access Right Click Tools in Intune

    Once you've completed the browser extension installation workflow for Right Click Tools Enterprise  or Right Click Tools Community , you can access the Recast actions included in your edition within the Intune Admin Center. Initially, the brow...
  9. Delegate Access to LAPS Recovery Keys in Active Directory

    You can grant a user or user group permission to read LAPS recovery keys stored in a designated organizational unit (OU) in Active Directory.
  10. AD LAPS Password

    The AD LAPS Password tool lets you view the current AD LAPS password and its expiration. You can also use this tool to give an administrator a specific amount of time to set a LAPS password, allowing you to temporarily elevate permissions.