
You can enable cleanup features for old application versions and set whether previous versions are automatically retired and/or removed when the deployment of a newer version begins. These settings can be applied to all deployment processes or to individual deployment processes.

When using Available with forced upgrade as a deployment typedo not enable Cleanup. For this deployment type, set Clean up previous versions to 'No' in your deployment process level settings.

To set deployment process cleanup options: 

1. In your Recast Management Server, navigate to Application Manager > Settings.

2. Choose to retire and/or remove old application versions. By default, all cleanup options are set to Yes.

  • Clean up previous versionsEnables or disables cleanup functionality

You can also choose to enable two additional tasks:

  • Retire previous versions: Automatically removes old application versions from Configuration Manager and removes files from the content location.
  • Remove retired versions: Automatically removes retired application versions from Configuration Manager and removes installation files from the server.

To set the deployment process cleanup interval:

1. In your Recast Management Server, navigate to Administration > Settings.

2. Under the Application Manager Plugin, set the Cleanup Applications Interval. By default, cleanup is set to occur every 10 minutes.

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