Updated Articles

  1. Install Right Click Tools with RMS

  2. v5.9 Releases

  3. Recast Management Server Installation

    Covers the installation of Recast Management Server with and without a Recast Proxy. Also includes steps to install a Recast Proxy separately.
  4. The Recast Primer

  5. Right Click Tools System Requirements

    Hardware and software prerequisites for Recast Management Server.
  6. Right Click Tools Features by Edition

    The features available to you in Right Click Tools vary according to which edition of the software you install and whether Right Click Tools is connected to Recast Management Server (RMS) . Features by Edition ENTERPRISE WITH RMS ENTERPR...
  7. Install Right Click Tools for Intune Browser Extension

  8. Add Right Click Tools Browser Extension

    You can add the Recast Right Click Tools for Intune browser extension from the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store and the Google Chrome web store. With the browser extension added, you can then find Right Click Tools within Intune .   NOTE : In orga...
  9. Upgrade Pre-5.4 Versions of Right Click Tools

    If you are currently running Right Click Tools Version 5.4.2402.1403 or earlier and are planning an upgrade to Version 5.9.2502.2105 or later, you'll first need to complete an intermediary upgrade to Version 5.4.2403.901. To upgrade to v5.9.2502....
  10. RMS Database Migrations Not Applied

    Recast Management Server database migrations may fail if the SQL compatibility level is set a version earlier than SQL Server 2016.  To check or edit the compatibility Level for your RecastManagementServer database: 1. Navigate to the SQL Server...