Recast Automation

Customize your Recast actions using Builder.

Recast Builder is an automation engine that allows you to customize Recast actions. Builder can be used with any of Recast's pre-built actions, or you can build your own tools using different Right Click Tools, PowerShell scripts, Registry Edits, WMI Calls, and more. Builder actions can then be saved, shared using role-based permissions, and run using Recast Runner.

Recast Builder is available in a number of Configuration Manager console locations. To open the Builder interface, right click in the console and navigate to Recast Automation > Recast Builder.

For a detailed overview of Recast Builder, see our Right Click Tools Automation in Action webinar.

Builder Interface Layout

The Recast Builder interface consists of a central canvas surrounded by three panels.

On the left

A. My Right Click Tools panel: Displays the icons for adding a new action, saving the current action, and deleting saved actions. Saved actions and pre-built templates are accessible from the panel according to where they were created in the Configuration Manager console. If, for example, Recast Builder is accessed from Devices, tools for editing devices will be displayed.

On the right

B. Recast Actions panel: This searchable list displays hundreds of available actions by category. For a full list of available actions, see the Recast Actions Catalog.

In the center

C. Canvas: Drag and drop your saved Right Click Tools, pre-built templates, and Recast Actions onto this area to work with them. The Start Node represents the object selected when running the action, such as a device or user.

D. Viewfinder: Use this box to move around the canvas and to adjust settings including the zoom level, centering and fill.

At the bottom

E. Properties and parameters: Different sections appear at the bottom of the interface depending on what is selected on the canvas.

Action Properties: Configure View, Name, Display and Action Type options for your custom tools.
See Configure Action Properties.

Target Input Parameters: Map a parameter to a constant value or to a specific property or step.
See Map Target Input Parameters.

Custom Input Parameters: Provide users with input options before an action runs. Common uses include choosing a collection to which a device will be added, choosing whether to force a full inventory cycle upon completion, and having an admin input a PowerShell script.
See Set Custom Input Parameters.

Conditional Responses: Set conditional responses to skip actions based on the results of previous actions.
See Set Conditional Responses.

Create a New Recast Action

To create a new custom tool in the My Right Click Tools list, click the New Action button (+ sign).

Right Click Tools Builder New Action

Use a Pre-Built Workflow

Recast offers a set of pre-built actions to get you started with Builder. These workflows are made up of a sequence of actions, and can be used as-is or as a starting point for creating your own custom Right Click Tools. For a description of the tasks included in each pre-built sequence of actions, see Recast Builder Actions.

Pre-built actions are listed in the My Right Click Tools panel. The Builder Actions displayed will vary depending on where you've opened Builder in your Configuration Manager console. For example, when Builder is accessed from Users, the templates that include user management actions will appear.

Drag-and-drop the templates onto the canvas to view and/or edit the actions they include. Pre-built actions often require some configuration in Builder. For instructions, see Configure Builder Actions.

Add Recast Actions

You can add any of the actions listed in the Recast Actions panel to create an automated workflow. For a list of all the available actions, see the Recast Actions Catalog.

To add actions to an automation sequence:

1. Use the Recast Actions search box or drill-down menu to select the desired actions. 

2. Drag-and-drop each action onto the canvas area.

3. Order the sequence of actions from the Start Node to the first action by selecting the circle edge and dragging it to the first box.

Right Click Tools Builder flow

Builder will auto-select the Edge arrow in blue and populate the item properties in the Selected Edge section. Setting parameters will tell Configuration Manager which properties to change on the targeted object.

Right Click Tools Builder arrow

Configure Action Properties

Choose Action Properties to determine the design and configuration of a Recast Builder action.

To choose action properties:

1. On the canvas, click the Start Node (the object the user will click on to run the tool).

2. Under Action Properties, specify the View, Name, Display and Action Type, which are described below.


The View field determines how the results of a Right Click Tools Builder tool will display. View options do not affect the technical operation of Right Click Tools Builder tools — they only affect how results are displayed.

View Options:

  • Single Grid Results
  • Two Grid Results
  • Tabbed Results: Shows a result for each step of the toolRight Click Tools Builder Action View


Name sets the name of the Recast Builder tool. After entering a new tool name, click the Save icon in the My Right Click Tools panel.Right Click Tools Builder Name


Display sets the Configuration Manager object that the Right Click Tools Builder tool is run against. Options differ according to the selected Action Type.

Example: For a tool run against a device, Computer Name would be an appropriate display option.Right Click Tools Builder Display

Action Type

The Action Type sets the properties on which the tool will take action.

Action Type Options:

  • Generic: For all Right Click Tools Builder Tools acting on functions not related to users or devices.
  • Device (with or without resource ID): For tools acting on devices. These tools will be available anywhere Right Click Tools device tools are available. The Resource ID is Configuration Manager's unique identifier for a computer object.
  • User (with or without Resource ID): for tools acting on users. These tools will be available anywhere Right Click Tools user tools are available. The Resource ID is Configuration Manager's unique identifier for a user object.Right Click Tools Builder Action Type

Set Custom Input Parameters

Input Parameters can be used to offer administrators and end users with options before an action is run.

Examples of custom inputs:

  • Choosing a collection to which a device will be added.
  • Choosing whether or not to force a full inventory cycle upon completion.
  • Having an admin input a PowerShell script.

To add an input parameter:

Under Custom Input Parameters, select an option from the drop-down list and click Add.

Parameter Options

  • Boolean: Prompts the user running the action with an option to check or uncheck the parameter mapped to the Boolean.
  • DateTime: Prompts the user running the action with an option to select the date and time.
  • Integer: Prompts the user running the action with an option to set an integer value. You also have the option to set a default, minimum, and maximum value.
  • TimeSpan: Prompts the user running the action with an option to set a length of time. A default value can be set, if needed.
  • String: Provides two options - List or Textbox. This will prompt the user running the action to select or input a string.

ListRight Click Tools Builder String List

TextboxRight Click Tools Builder String Textbox

To remove an input parameter:

Under Custom Input Parameters, select a listed item and click Remove.

Map Target Input Parameters

Parameters can be mapped to a constant value or a specific property or step. Constant values must be specified, whereas Parameter Mapping values can be pulled from any step of the existing tool to any property of the action being taken. This should be done for every parameter appropriate for the actions you are trying to take. 

  • Use a Constant value to hard code a value.
  • Use Parameter Mapping for actions where you need to pull inputs from the user or where the properties of the object should change.

To map to a constant value:

Under Target Input Parameters, select Constant.Right Click Tools Builder target input parameters

To map to a property or step:

Under Target Input Parameters, select Parameter Mapping, then select the Node and the Parameter from the drop-down lists.Right Click Tools Builder target input parameters2

Set Conditional Responses

Right Click Tools Builder lets you set conditional responses, allowing you to skip actions based on the results from previous actions. If the conditions are true, Recast Runner will execute the next step according to the specified workflow. If not, the next step (and any subsequent step in the chain) will be skipped.

Logical term options:  And, Or, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To

To add a conditional response:

1. On the canvas, click on the edge (arrow) that connects the two actions between which you want to add a condition.

2. In the Condition section, click the New Condition icon (+ sign) and select a logical term from the drop-down list.Right Click Tools Builder Conditions

3. Associate the condition with a specific Output and/or input Value.

    In this example, an "Equal To" condition has been set from the Computer Name to the name of device "XYZ".Right Click Tools Builder Conditions2

Recast Builder Actions

Recast Builder Actions can help you quickly automate a workflow in your environment. These pre-built sequences of actions are designed to get you started using Recast Builder, introduce you to some of the automation features available in Builder, and help you start making tools on your own.

As of v5.1.2305.507, pre-built actions can be accessed from within Recast Builder, removing the need to import them into the interface. These actions will only appear in Builder, upon upgrade or with a fresh install, for deployments that do not already have existing Builder actions in place. To learn more, see Configure Recast Builder Actions.

Disclaimer: These Builder actions are provided on the basis that they can be edited, changed, and shared, but not sold. While every available effort has been made to be sure they work well and do what was intended, we can't anticipate the requirements of every conceivable Configuration Manager environment, so download/use at your own risk — no guarantees of function, support, or that they won't break something. As with everything, test first.

All Client Policies

This Builder action runs through all the Configuration Manager's client policies. This is great for new or recently re-built computers to force them to check into Configuration Manager.

This tool completes the following steps:

  • Ping computer
  • Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle
  • Discovery Data Collection Cycle
  • Hardware Inventory Cycle
  • Software Inventory Cycle
  • Send Unsent State Messages Cycle
  • Software Updates Scan Cycle
  • Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle
  • State Message Cache Cleanup
  • Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle
  • Software Inventory Cycle
  • File Collection Cycle
  • Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, All Client Policies 5.xml

Add an AD User to an AD Group 

This Builder action lets you add an AD user to an AD group from a list of groups.

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, Add To Group 5.xml

For instructions on setting up this template in Builder, see Configure Starter Pack Templates in Recast Builder.

BitLocker Recovery Password from Device

This Builder action grabs the BitLocker Recovery Password from any drive on a device. This uses a custom input parameter to allow users to choose what drive they want to grab the recovery password from.

This tool completes the following step:

  • Get Recovery Password From Device

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, BitLocker Recovery Password 5.xml

Compare Two Users' AD Groups

This Builder action lets you compare the group memberships of two AD users. This action is particularly useful if, for example, you have a new team member and want to compare their group memberships to those of an existing team member.

This tool completes the following steps:

  • Gets AD group membership for a selected user
  • Prompts you to enter the AD username that you'd like to compare against the selected user
  • Shows you group memberships for both users in tabbed results 

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, Compare AD Groups 5.xml

User Account Retire Protocol

This Builder action automates a common task — taking steps when a person leaves an organization to secure their account credentials and prepare the account for retirement. It's easily adaptable to other user-based tasks as well, and is a nice jumping-off point for Recast Builder.

This tool completes the following steps:

  • Prompts the admin running the tool to input a new password for the account
  • Resets the password for the account to this password
  • Disables the account
  • Moves the account to a new OU

In the Target Input Parameters panel, you must specify a valid OU in your environment as a Constant value. 

Format Example: OU=RecastUsers,DC=demo,DC=recastsoftware,DC=com

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, User Account Retire Protocol 5.xml

For instructions on setting up this template in Builder, see Configure Recast Builder Actions.

Reboot if Pending Restart Exists

This Builder action allows you to force a restart on systems that have a pending reboot scheduled, without requiring you to query for pending reboot data in advance. It's a friendly way to help your end users who hate to restart stay updated and compliant without requiring any personal intervention.

This tool completes the following steps:

  • Ping Computer
  • If Ping is successful, Check System Information Collection for Pending Restart Information
  • If Pending Restart Exists, force a Reboot with a 5-minute timer and a user pop-up message: "Your computer needs to restart, please save and close in the next 5 minutes."

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, Reboot If Pending Restart Exists 5.xml

Video Overview

Fix Encryption Method

This Builder action automates the process of adding TPM and Numerical Key Protectors to BitLocker. It includes all the necessary precursor steps and enough intelligence to complete this task without admin intervention.

This tool completes the following steps:

  • Stop MBAM Service
  • Decrypt C: Drive
  • A PowerShell Script with Progress Stream on to monitor the progress of the decryption, and proceed when successfully completed. (Here is the script)
   #Wait for Decrypt Finish   Write-Output "Waiting on Decrypt...."   $encryption = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/cimv2/security/microsoftvolumeencryption -Class win32_encryptablevolume -Filter {DriveLetter = 'C:'}   $Percent = ($encryption.GetConversionStatus()).EncryptionPercentage   While($Percent -ne '0'){   Start-Sleep -Seconds 10  $encryption = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/cimv2/security/microsoftvolumeencryption -Class win32_encryptablevolume -Filter {DriveLetter = 'C:'}  $Percent = ($encryption.GetConversionStatus()).EncryptionPercentage  Write-Progress -activity "Decryption Progress" -PercentComplete $Percent -status "Decryption RProgress"  }
  • A Registry change to override the encryption method
  • Add the TPM Key Protector
  • Add the Numerical Password Key Protector
  • Encrypt C:

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder

For v4 Releases: Fix Encryption Method.xml

Video Overview

Re-Enroll Agent

There are times when a Recast Agent attempts to connect to a Recast Management Server, but is unable. You'll see a warning in the Recast Management Server telling you that there is an Agent that is trying to connect, but it is not approved. This occurs most often if you delete the Agent from the Recast Management Server manually. Because the Agent information is deleted, there is no way to approve this Agent. 

To resolve the problem, use this Builder action to re-enroll the Recast Agent.

The tool completes the following steps:

  • Deletes the agent.sqlite file located in this folder:

Version 5.x Recast Agent: C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Recast Agent

Version 4.x Recast Agent: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Recast Software\Recast Agent

  • Restarts the Recast Agent service

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder

For v4 Releases: Re-Enroll Agent.xml

Grant Remote Access

This Builder action is used to grant a specific AD user remote access to a device by adding the user to the local "Remote Desktop Users" group on the device. 

The tool completes the following steps:

  • Asks for the AD Username
  • Adds the AD Username entered to the "Remote Desktop Users" local group. 

For v5 Releases: Now available in Builder, Grant Remote Access 5.xml 

For instructions on setting up this template in Builder, see Configure Recast Builder Actions.

Configure Pre-Built Templates

As of Recast Software Version 5.1.2305.507, pre-built Recast templates can be accessed from within Recast Builder, eliminating the need to import them from the Recast Builder Actions page. These templates appear upon upgrade or with a fresh install for deployments that do not already have existing Builder templates in place.

For a description of the actions included in each pre-built template, see Recast Builder Actions.
For more information on configuring properties, parameters, and conditions, see the Recast Builder Overview.

You'll find pre-built Recast actions listed in the My Right Click Tools panel. Drag-and-drop them on to the canvas to view the sequence of included steps and edit their properties and parameters.

Some pre-built templates require a bit of configuration in Recast Builder before they can be run. 

User Account Retire Protocol 

For this Recast action, the Start Node represents the user account selected in Configuration Manager before running the action. The edges (aka the arrows) are preconfigured to link the Start Node to the Reset Password, Disable Account and Move Account to Container actions.

To configure the action:

1. Select the Start Node on the canvas.

Under Action Properties, view or edit the default settings and name the tool:

  • View: Tabbed Results
  • Name: For example, User Account Retire Protocol
  • Display: User Name
  • Action Type: User

Under Custom Input Parameters, view or edit the default settings:

  • Display Name: Input a New Password
  • Variable Name: TextBoxValue
  • Minimum Length: 1
  • Maximum Length: 20

2. Select the edge linking the Disable Account and Move Account to Container actions.

Under Target Input Parameters, update the ADPath as a Constant value.

ADPath Format Example: ADPath=RecastUsers,DC=demo,DC=recastsoftware,DC=com

NOTE: The ADPath is case sensitive.

Video Overview

Grant Remote Access 

To configure the action:

1. Select the Start Node on the canvas.

Under Action Properties, view or edit the default settings:

  • View: Two Grid Results
  • Name: For example, Grant Remote Access
  • Display: Computer Name
  • Action Type: Device with Resource ID

2. Select the edge linking the Start Node and Add Local Group Member actions.

3. Under Target Input Parameters, update the User Domain as a Constant value.

Video Overview

Add an AD User to an AD Group

To configure the action:

1. Select the Start Node on the canvas.

Under Action Properties, view or edit the default settings:

  • View: Tabbed Results
  • Name: For example, Add To Group
  • Display: User Name
  • Action Type: User with Resource ID

Under Custom Input Parameters, add any AD Groups beyond the Finance, Marketing and Remote Desktop default groups.

Video Overview

Recast Actions Catalog

A list of all the actions available from the Recast Actions panel in the Builder interface.



Active DirectoryAdd Account to Group
Delete Account
Disable Account
Enable Account
Get Account Group Membership: Returns all groups for an AD account.
Get AD Computer
Get AD Computers: Returns all devices for an AD domain.
Get AD Computers BitLocker Status
Get AD Computers in Group: Returns all nested devices in an AD group.
Get AD Computer with LAPS Data
Get AD Container by Distinguished Name
Get AD Container by Object Guid
Get AD Container by Object Guide Core
Get AD Groups: Returns all groups for an AD domain.
Get AD Groups in Group
Get AD OUs
Get AD User
Get AD Users: Returns all users for an AD domain.
Get Ad Users in Group
Get BitLocker Recovery Data
Get Domain
Get Group Members
Get Group Memberships: Returns all groups for the user or device from AD, including nested groups.
Get Parent OUs: Returns all parent Organizational Units.
Get Primary Group for Account
Is Account Enabled
Move Account to Container
Remove Account from Group
Reset Password
Search AD Computers
Search AD Groups
Search AD Users
Search OUs
Search Principal
Set LAPS Password Expiration
Unlock Account
AdministrationAdd Permission to Role
Add Role
Add User
Add User to Role
Change Enrollment Settings
Change Setting
Delete Role
Delete Route
Delete User
Get Admin Trend List
Get All Permissions
Get All Settings: Returns all names and current values listed on the RMS Settings page.
Get Enrollment Settings
Get Execution History: Returns audit log information.
Get Permissions Details for User
Get Permissions for Role
Get Permissions for User
Get Roles: Returns all user roles in RMS.
Get Roles for User
Get Trend
Get Trend List
Get Trends by Type
Get User and Roles
Get Users: Returns all users in RMS.
Remove Permission from Role
Remove User from Role
Rename Role
Azure Active Directory
(Entra ID)
Get Device Group Memberships
Get Domain
Get Group Memberships: Returns all groups for the user or device from Graph API, including nested groups.
Search Principal
Test New Service Connection
Test Service Connection
BitLockerAdd Numerical Password Key Protector
Add Passphrase Key Protector
And Protectors and Encrypt
Add TPM and PIN Key Protector
Add TPM and Startup Key Key Protector
Add TPM Key Protector
Backup Key Protector to Active Directory
Backup Key Protector to Azure Active Directory
Decrypt Volume
Encrypt Volume
Builder ActionConcatenate Strings
List Actions
List Actions in Category
List Actions with Type
Run Saved Action: Runs a Builder Action and returns results.
Start Node
ConfigMgr ClientAdvanced Client Information
Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle: Initiates this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Boundary Groups
Change Cache Size
Clear Cache: Deletes all content in the ConfigMgr client cache.
Client Cache General Information: Returns a summary of client cache information.
Client Cache Content: Returns all content details in the cache.
Execution History
Installed Client Components
Deployed Applications: Returns all ConfigMgr-deployed applications from the client.
Deployments: Returns all ConfigMgr programs and task sequence deployments from the client.
Discovery Data Collection Cycle: Initiates  this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Evaluate Configuration Baseline
File Collection Cycle
General Client Information: Returns ConfigMgr client information
Get Boundary Information
Get Client Information Cache Data: Returns cache usage summary for a ConfigMgr client.
Get Configuration Baselines: Returns all deployed ConfigMgr baselines from a client.
Get Deployed Programs: Returns all ConfigMgr-deployed programs from the client.
Get Deployed Task Sequences: Returns all ConfigMgr task sequences deployed to a device.
Get Device ID
Get Service Windows
Get User Policy Endpoint
Hardware Inventory Cycle: Initiates this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Install Application
Install Application or Program: Initiates installation of a ConfigMgr application or program on a device.
Install Program
Install Software Updates
Install Software Updates by ID
Install User Application
Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle: Initiates this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Missing Software Updates: Returns all missing software updates currently deployed to a device.
Package Information
Refresh Updates Compliance State
Remove Items from Cache
Repair Client: Initiates ConfigMgr client repair process.
Rerun Deployment: Initiates deployment execution of task sequences or package programs on the ConfigMgr client.
Restart SMS Agent
Run Client Check
Run Client Action
Send ConfigMgr Client Toast Notification
Send Unsent State Messages: Sends pending state message for a ConfigMgr client.
Software Inventory Cycle: Initiates this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Software Metering Usage Report Cycle
Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle: Initiates this cycle on a ConfigMgr client.
Software Updates Scan Cycle
ConfigMgr ServerAdd Computer Names to Collection
Add Device Resource ID to Collection
Add Content to Distribution Point
Add Content to Distribution Point Group
Add Devices to Collection: Adds devices to a collection, based on a specific or wildcard search of computer names.
Add Devices to Collection by Resource ID
Add Item to Scope
Add User Resource ID to Collection
Add Users to Collection
Approve or Deny Request
Content Details: Returns content information and summary for distribution points.
Create Query
Delete Device
Delete Devices
Delete User
Get Accounts
Get Active Alerts
Get Active Directory Forests
Get Administrative Users
Get Alert Subscriptions
Get All Alerts
Get All Collections
Get All Content Status
Get All Deployment Types: Returns all application deployment types in ConfigMgr.
Get All Device Collections
Get All Device Collections by Collections
Get All Devices
Get All Devices in OU
Get All Distributed Content: Returns all distributed content in ConfigMgr.
Get All Software Updates
Get All User Collections
Get All Users
Get Application by ID
Get Application Revisions
Get Applications
Get Approval Requests
Get Asset Intelligence Catalog
Get Asset Intelligence Hardware Requirements
Get Asset Intelligence Inventoried Software
Get Automatic Deployment Rules
Get Baseboard Information
Get Boot Images
Get Boundaries
Get Boundary Groups
Get Category Instance by ID
Get Certificates
Get Chassis Information
Get Client Operations
Get Client Settings
Get Collection Folder Information
Get Collections for Device
Get Collections for User
Get Collection Variables for Device
Get Comanaged Device Workloads by Collection: Given a Collection ID, returns devices and workloads comanaged in ConfigMgr and Intune.
Get Comanaged Workloads: Given a Resource ID, the action returns workloads that are being comanaged in Configuration Manager and Intune.
Get Compliant Update Statuses
Get Component Status
Get Computers Without LAPS Client: Returns all devices without a legacy Microsoft LAPS client.
Get Computers with x64 LAPS Client: Returns all devices with a 64-bit legacy Microsoft LAPS client.
Get Computers with x86 LAPS Client: Returns all devices with a 32-bit legacy Microsoft LAPS client.
Get Computer System Information
Get Computer Warranty
Get Configuration Baselines
Get Configuration Items
Get Conflicting Records
Get Content Status: Returns content information and summary of distribution status.
Get Deployed Applications for User
Get Deployment Packages
Get Deployments
Get Deployment Types for Application
Get Device Collection Folders
Get Device Collection Information for Device: Returns information about all collections for a device.
Get Device Collection Members: Returns all devices in a collection.
Get Device Collections in Folder
Get Device Count
Get Devices by Creation Date
Get Devices by MAC Address
Get Devices by BIOS GUID
Get Devices by ME ID: Given one or more Microsoft Entra ID GUIDs, a Site Code and a SMS Provider, returns the domain name for a device from ConfigMgr.
Get Discovery Methods
Get Distributed Software Updates: Returns all software updates distributed in a ConfigMgr site.
Get Distribution Point Configuration Status
Get Distribution Point Content
Get Distribution Point Groups
Get Distribution Point Group Status
Get Distribution Point Group Status for Package: Returns all distribution point groups for a piece of content.
Get Distribution Points in Distribution Point Group
Get Distribution Point Status for Package: Returns all distribution points for a piece of content.
Get Distribution Point Groups with Members
Get Distribution Point Group Task Sequence Content
Get Driver Packages
Get Drivers
Get Endpoint Protection Antimalware Policies
Get Endpoint Protection Firewall Policies
Get Failed Content on Distribution Point
Get Global Conditions
Get Installed Software Updates
Get Machines with ConfigMgr BitLocker Management Keys: Returns all devices with BitLocker keys in ConfigMgr.
Get Malware Detected
Get Manufacturer Counts
Get Migration Jobs
Get Non-Compliant Update Statuses
Get Object Container Items
Get Operating System Images
Get Operating System Installers
Get Packages
Get Power Configurations for Computer
Get Queries
Get Recent Devices Scanned
Get Required Software Updates
Get Scope Memberships
Get Security Roles
Get Security Scopes
Get Servers and Site System Roles
Get Service Windows for Computer
Get Sites
Get Site Status: Returns all site systems statuses in ConfigMgr.
Get Software Metering Rules
Get Software Update Groups: Returns all software update groups in ConfigMgr.
Get Software Updates in Group
Get Status Message Queries
Get System BIOS Information
Get System Console Usage Data
Get System Firmware Status
Get System Operating System Information
Get Systems BitLocker Encryption Status: Returns the BitLocker encryption status for devices in ConfigMgr.
Get Task Sequence Content
Get Task Sequences
Get Unknown Devices
Get User Collection Folders
Get User Collection Members
Get User Collections in Folder
Get User Devices
Get User Devices by User Name
Get User State Migrations
Get Virtual Hard Disks
Get Warranty Information: Retrieves and updates warranty data in ConfigMgr for a collection of devices.
Install Application
Redistribute Content to Distribution Point: Initiates redistribution of content to a distribution point.
Redistribute Content to Distribution Point Group
Remove Content from Distribution Point: Initiates removal of content from a distribution point.
Remove Content from Distribution Point Group
Remove Devices from Collection
Remove Devices from Collection by Resource ID
Remove Item from Security Scope
Remove Users from Collection
Remove Users from Collection by Resource ID
Run Client Operation
Run Configuration Manager WQL Query
Run ConfigMgr Script on Devices
Run Recast Action: Runs a Recast Action on the Fast Channel and returns results.
Run Status Message Query
Run WQL Query
Save Query
Start CM Site Backup
Update Content
Validate Content on Distribution Point Group: Initiates ConfigMgr validation for content on a distribution point.
Wake on LAN: Sends a Wake on LAN packet to a device.
Wake on LAN Fast Channel
EmailSend Email via SMTP
Endpoint InsightsOpen Recast Endpoint Insights Report Viewer
FilesystemAppend Text to File
Copy File
Copy Folder
Create Folder
Delete File
Delete Folder
Move File
Move Folder
Replace Text in File
Set Owner on File
Set Owner on Folder
Write Text to File
Installed SoftwareList Software: Returns all software in Add/Remove Program on a device.
Uninstall Software
Kiosk ManagerApplied Profile Status
Apply Profile: Applies a Kiosk Manager profile to a device.
List Profiles: Returns all saved Kiosk profiles.
Prepare Profile
Rollback Profile
MBAMGet Machines with MBAM Keys
Get Machines with MBAM Keys v2
Get MBAM Compliance
Get MBAM Compliance for All Machines
Get Recovery Keys for Device
Get TPM Hash
Get TPM Hash for User
NetworkPing Computer: Returns a response to an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request from a device.
PowerShellRun PowerShell Script Block
RegistryAdd Permission
Create Subkey
Delete Subkey
Delete Value
Get Value
List Hives
List Subkeys
List Values
Remove Permission
Rename Value
Set Owner
Set Value
System Center Endpoint ProtectionAdd Defender Exclusion
Full SCEP Scan
Gather SCEP Logs
Get Defender Exclusions
Get Defender Status
Start Defender Scan
Update SCEP Definitions
SchedulerCancel Action
ServicesChange Login
Change Start Mode
List Services: Returns all services on a device.
Restart Service
Start Service
Stop Service
System InformationAdd Local Group Member
Cancel Shutdown
Remove Local Group Member
Delete Profile: Deletes a Windows user profile from a device.
Get All Local Group Members
Get Battery Information
Get Drivers
Get General Information: Returns hardware and operating system information for a device.
Get Logged in Users: Returns all users currently logged into a device.
Get Running Processes
Get Updates: Returns all software updates installed on a device.
Get User Profiles: Returns all user profile information on a device.
Get User Sessions: Returns all users currently logged into a device.
Group Policy Update: Initiates a group policy update on a device.
Kill Process
Log Off All Users
Log Off User Session
Reset BitLocker Recovery Password
Schedule Shutdown
Send Message to All Users
Send Message to User Session
Send Recast Toast Notification
Shut Down Computer: Initiates shutdown and restart of a device.
Shut Down Computer with Prompt
System Information Collection
Task SchedulerDelete Task
Get Task Results
Get Task Results for Date
List Tasks
Schedule Task
Schedule Task Daily
Schedule Task Monthly by Day
Schedule Task Monthly by Occurrence
Schedule Task Weekly
Start Task by ID
Start Task by Name
Unified Write FilterAdd File Exclusions
Add Registry Exclusions
Apply Profile
Commit File Deletions
Commit Files
Commit Registry Deletion
Commit Registry Values
Configure Unified Write Filter
Delete Profile
Disable Bind by Drive Letter
Disable Servicing
Disable Unified Write Filter
Enable Bind by Drive Letter
Enable Servicing
Enable Unified Write Filter
Find File Exclusion
List File Exclusions
Get Overlay Configuration
List Registry Exclusions
Get Unified Write Filter Feature Status
Get Unified Write Filter Status
Install Unified Write Filter
List Profiles
Protect All Volumes
Protect Volume
Remove All File Exclusions
Remove All Registry Exclusions
Remove File Exclusions
Remove Registry Exclusions
Remove Unified Write Filter
Reset Unified Write Filter Settings
Restart System
Save Profile
Set Maximum Overlay Size
Set Overlay Critical Threshold
Set Overlay Type
Set Overlay Warning Threshold
Shut Down System
Unprotect Volume
Update Windows
Use Disk Overlay
Use RAM Overlay
Volume is Protected
Windows SecurityClear TPM
Enable Credential Guard Settings
Enable System Guard Secure Launch
Enable TPM Auto Provisioning
Enable Virtualization Based Security
Get All Virtualization Based Security Settings
Get TPM Status
Get UEFI Secure Boot Status
Get Virtualization Based Security Settings
Get Windows Firewall Profiles
Get Windows Firewall Rules
Provision TPM
Windows Task SchedulerDelete Task
List Tasks
Run Task
Schedule Task
Windows Update AgentGet Updates: Returns missing software updates for a given computer.
Download and Install Updates: Downloads and installs all missing software updates on a comanaged device.
Download and Install Select Updates: Downloads and installs selected missing software updates on a comanaged device.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)List Classes
List Class Methods
List Instance Methods
List Instances
List Namespaces
Run Class Method
Run Instance Method
Run WQL Query

Recast Runner

Recast Runner executes actions created with Recast Builder. Builder actions can only be run with the user account accessing the Configuration Manager console or by routing over the Recast Proxy service account.

To execute a Builder Action with Recast Runner:

1. Right-click in your Configuration Manager console and select Recast Automation > Recast Runner.

2. In the RCT Runner - Run Action dialog, select an action and click Next.

3. Choose to run the action immediately or according to a schedule and click Finish.

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