Recast Agent not Connecting

If a Recast Agent is unable to connect to the Recast Management Server, the following error message will appear in the RMS interface. 

Error: A Recast Agent is trying to connect, but is not approved.

Possible Causes

  • The Agent has been deleted manually from the Recast Management Server. 
  • The Computer Name where the Agent is installed has changed.

An Agent disconnection issue in Recast Software Versions 5.5.2404.1007, 5.5.2405.1503, and 5.5.2406.503 can be resolved by upgrading to Version 5.5.2406.1703.  


Forcing the Agent to re-enroll gives you a way to approve an Agent, allowing it to connect again.

To re-enroll an Agent:

1. On the Recast Agents page in your Recast Management Server, delete the Agent that is failing to connect.

2. On the computer where the Agent is not connecting, stop the Recast Agent Service.
Restarting the Recast Agent Service

3. Navigate to the agent.sqlite file location:

Version 5.X Recast Agent: C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Recast Agent

Version 4.X Recast Agent: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Recast Software\Recast Agent

4. Delete the agent.sqlite file in that folder.

5. Restart the Recast Agent Service.

The Agent Computer should appear on the Recast Agents page in the Remote Software Center and in the Recast Management Server interface. The Agent will be auto-approved or available to be approved depending on the settings in your Recast Management Server.Recast Agent is Back!

Recast Builder Action

You can also re-enroll a Recast Agent using a Builder Action available in Right Click Tools. See Recast Builder Actions.

PowerShell Script

$agent4Sqlite = "$env:windir\System32\Config\Systemprofile\Appdata\Roaming\Recast Software\Recast Agent\agent.sqlite"
$agent5Sqlite ="$env:ProgramData\Recast Software\Recast Agent\RecastAgent.sqlite"
# Stops the Recast Agent Service and deletes 4.x and 5.x enrollment SQLites if they exist.

try {
    Write-Output "Attempting to stop the Recast Agent Service..."
    Stop-Service -DisplayName "Recast Agent Service" -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output 'The Recast Agent Service was stopped successfully!'
}  catch { 
    "Unable to stop Recast Agent Service due to: $($_.Exception.Message)"
If (test-path $agent4Sqlite)
try {
    Write-Output 'Found v4.x SQLite...'
    Remove-Item $agent4Sqlite -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output '4.x SQLite successfully removed!' 
} catch {  
    "Unable to delete 4.x SQLite due to: $($_.Exception.Message)"  
    Write-Output 'No 4.x SQLite file was found.'
If (test-path $agent5Sqlite) { 
    Write-host 'Found v5.x SQLite...'
    Remove-Item $agent5Sqlite -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output '5.x SQLite successfully removed!'
} catch {
    "Unable to delete 5.x SQLite due to: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Output 'No 5.x SQLite file was found.'
    Write-Output 'Attempting to start Recast Agent Service...'
    Start-Service -DisplayName "Recast Agent Service" -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output 'Recast Agent service started successfully!'
} catch {
    "Unable to start Recast Agent Service due to: $($_.Exception.Message)"

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