Recast Software Version 5.4.2402.1403

Release Date: February 14, 2024

Version 5.4.2402.1403 includes new features and bug fixes. Upgrade to this Recast Software release by downloading it from the Recast Portal. For instructions on updating to this version, see our articles on upgrading Right Click Tools and Endpoint Insights.

PLEASE NOTE: A known issue with this release affects users upgrading to this release from Recast Software Version 5.4.2401.1004. The issue only impacts upgrades via the 5.4.2401.1004 path, meaning that new installations of this version—as well as upgrades from v5.3.2312.503 and earlier—are not affected. If you are planning an upgrade from v5.4.2401.1004, we strongly recommend moving to Recast Software Version 5.4.2403.901.


Application Manager

Introducing Application Manager Enterprise!

Application Manager is now available as an Enterprise package offering more than 2000 applications! To access the full Application Manager catalog in your Recast Management Server, you must be running Recast Software Version 5.4.2402.1403 or later. For more detail, see our Application Manager Catalog article.

Recast Management Server

Service Connections

You may notice some differences in the look and layout of the Service Connections page.

Updated design elements:

  • Relocates the Add Service Connection button to the top right
  • Increases the font size of the page title
  • Adds a page subtitle for clarity
  • Adds a link to 'Learn More' about service connections

Right Click Tools

Recast Builder

Recast's pre-built Fix Encryption Method and Re-Enroll Agent actions are now available within the Builder interface. For more information, see Recast Builder Actions.


The Maintenance Windows tab in the Show Collections - Advanced tool now shows whether a maintenance window is enabled.

Bug Fixes

Recast Management Server

Recast Agent

  • Fixes incorrect Source information in the Event Viewer. (Customer-Reported Bug 12151)
  • Fixes a flood of messages in the Event Viewer. (Customer-Reported Bug 12292)
  • Adds the ability to view 100 Agents per page. (Customer-Reported Bug 13486)
  • Fixes a 'NullReferenceException' error in the Recast Management Server agent cache.

Logs: Fixes missing SignalR debug logging.

Installer: Fixes the RMS installer to work for customers licensed only for Application Manager.

Right Click Tools


System Information: Fixes installation date formatting on the Applications tab. (Customer-Reported Bug 9164)

Remote Software Center: Correctly disables non-functional Install and Uninstall buttons for a specific user.

Remote Software Center, System Information, Client Information, Windows Security: Fixes missing analytics on tabbed views.

Console Dashboards

  • Restores missing subcollections. (Customer-Reported Bug 13581)
  • Fixes console crashes when using the Collections filter. (Customer-Reported Bug 13551)

Endpoint Insights

Endpoint Insights Setup

  • Adds a missing linked server that is needed for the Computer Details report. (Customer-Reported Bug 2481)
  • Fixes an issue where Recast Agent files were not located within their own folder in the EI setup. (Customer-Reported Bug 10662)
  • Fixes a report loading error when using a non-standard folder name. (Customer-Reported Bug 12348)
  • Clears a lingering error message on the Recast Management Server Configuration page after switching to the 'Recast Management Server is not installed' option. 


  • Fixes an issue that caused one fewer docking station to appear in the Docking Station Detection.xml file.  (Customer-Reported Bug 10581)
  • Fixes a SSRS failure when the database was named anything but 'ReportServer'. (Customer-Reported Bug 11916)
  • Re-enables the BitLocker Inventory class. (Customer-Reported Bug 13485)
  • Fixes an issue collecting warranty data for Microsoft Surface devices.

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