Custom Role Templates for Right Click Tools

Custom role templates offer a quick way to create permission sets for Right Click Tools users. You can add these templates in your Recast Management Server and then adjust to suit by adding or removing individual permissions. 

You can add the following roles to your Recast Management Server using our RCT Custom Role Template PowerShell script:

  • RCT Read Only Analyst - This security role grants users read access to all of the Right Click Tools and web dashboards. This includes the Endpoint Insights Report Viewer role. 
  • RCT Remote Software Center - This security role grants users access to all the actions within the Right Click Tools Remote Software Center.
  • RCT Content Distribution Monitor Dashboard - This security role grants users access to all the actions within the Right Click Tools Content Distribution Monitor (for Configuration Manager).

To add a role template for Right Click Tools:

1. Download the PowerShell script: RCT Custom Role Template

2. Open PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the folder where you've located the script.

3. On the first line of the script, change the sample FQDN to the FQDN for the server that hosts your Recast Management Server. Save your changes.

4. Run the script.

5. Select the role to add by entering its corresponding number:

  • 1. RCT Read Only Analyst
  • 2. RCT Remote Software Center
  • 3. RCT Content Distribution Monitor Dashboard

NOTE: Rerun the script to add another role.

In the Recast Management Server interface, the Permissions page should display a new Recast Role. You can click Permissions to the right of the role to view or change individual permissions granted by the role.

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