Deployment is in Error Status

Troubleshooting Steps

Check if the application is already in Intune

If a scheduled deployment shows an Error status, first ensure that the same application is not found in Intune already. Sometimes transferring the installation media to Azure (Intune storage platform) can result in duplicates. If this is the case, delete the application from Intune before rescheduling the task.

Reschedule the Deployment

If everything seems to be correctly configured, you can reschedule the task(s) in Error status. 

To reschedule the deployent:

1. Select the task and click Reschedule.

2. In the window that opens, define the specific times, if needed, or just use the current time and click Reschedule.

After a while the application should appear in Intune and the task status should change to Completed. If the status changes to Error again, contact Recast Support

NOTE: It can take up to 30 minutes for jobs to complete.

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